The research of the CUCKOO Workgroup
1. Sequence-based prediction of post-translational modifications (PTMs).
Developing sequence-based predictors for various PTMs with a in-house developed algorithms.
(1) GPS: prediction of kinase-specific phosphorylation sites in GPS algorithm.
(2) PPSP: prediction of kinase-specific phosphorylation sites in Bayesian Decision Theory (BDT) algorithm.
(3) CSS-PALM: prediction of Palmitoylation sites.
(4) GPS-SUMO: prediction of sumoylation and sumo-binding sites.
(5) GPS-SNO: prediction of nitrosylation sites.
(6) GPS-YNO2: prediction of tyrosine nitration sites.
(7) GPS-CCD: prediction of calpain cleavage sites.
(8) GPS-Polo: prediction of PLK phosphorylation and phospho-binding sites.
(9) GPS-PUP: prediction of pupylation sites.
(10) GPS-ARM: prediction of APC/C recognization motifs.
(11) GPS-TSP: prediction of tyrosine sulfation sites.
(12) GPS-MBA: prediction of MHC-binding sites.
(13) GPS-MSP: prediction of methylated lysine and arginine sites.
2. Resource construction for PTMs.
Developing databases for various PTMs to host data resources of substrates, sites and enzymes.
(1) PLMD: Database of lysine modification sites.
(2) EKPD: Eukaryotic Kinase and Phosphatase Database.
(3) iUUCD: Ubiquitin and Ubiquitin-like Conjugation Database.
(4) MiCroKiTS: Database of proteins for Midbody, Centrosome, Kinetochore, Telomere and Spindle .
(5) pTestis: Database of phosphorylation sites in testis.
(6) CGDB: Database of phosphorylation sites in testis.
(7) WERAM: Eukaryotic writers, erasers and readers protein of histone acetylation and methylation system database.
(8) dbPPT: Database of phosphorylation sites in plants.
(9) dbPSP: Database of phosphorylation sites in prokaryotes.
(10) dbPAF: Database of phosphorylation sites in animals and fungi.
3. Network studies for PTMs.
Developing tools to (re)construct PTMs networks to dissect the cellular singalling.
(1) iGPS: GPS algorithm with the interaction filter, or in vivo GPS.
4. The relation between PTMs and genetic variations.
Analyzing the genetic variations which influence PTMs.
(1) PhosSNP: Phosphorylation-related SNP.